Return policy
Do you need to return your sneakers?
Customer satisfaction is our top priority. If you need to return your sneakers, you can do so. For every order on WOOVIN, the order can be returned within 14 days of receipt. Please register your return on the Return Your Order portal.
Please enter your order number and email address, and we will guide you through the return process.
Click here for the Return Requirements
Return policy lines

1.1 Return period
The stores on WOOVIN accept returns within 14 days of receiving your order.

1.2 Register your return
Please register your return on the Return Your Order portal. Please enter your order number and email address, and we will guide you through the return process.

1.3 Customer support
If you have any questions or concerns regarding our return policy, please do not hesitate contact the WOOVIN store directly through our chat system.